Fortuna Absentis



Fortuna Absentis

The plot

The right hand and luck are entangled in a hunt for image and point, word and melancholy; Missing, on the right hand after what chance left.The images that are used as base consist of random searches with the Google engine "I'm feeling lucky" and the quality that gives me the same finding new images that Google chromecast presents to me without leaving aside my predilection for certain topics , color palettes and what I have captured with and the movements of my right hand after it got fractured and that does not hesitate to show its clumsiness.


Screening Date Tickets
Selección Oficial Experimental / Programa 1 @ Virtual Theater November 19, 2020, 4:00 pm CST Get Tickets
Screening de prueba @ Virtual Theater November 10, 2020, 3:00 pm CST Get Tickets
Selección Oficial Experimental / Programa 1 @ Virtual Theater November 16, 2020, 8:00 pm CST Get Tickets