Interview with Rossella



Interview with Rossella

The plot

As soon as I read the short story “Interview with Rossella” I realized that an interesting and original short film could have come out of it. I felt it was a challenge worth accepting: telling a part of a woman’s life through the messages on her answering machine. However, it was a true challenge. How could I get through to the audience Rossella’s character, a character which we never see in front of the camera. How could I make the audience “feel” her presence and movements around her apartment  (the only location of the whole short film)? How could I give body to a story where – in physical terms – no character actually appears? I thought that a sequence shot was my best beta. The objects of a house change their position at each movement of the camera, and this is how the audience senses the woman’s presence and everyday movements, and the passing of time as well. And everything is highlighted by the messages which are left on the answering machine by friends and relatives.


Screening Date Tickets
Italian Shorts (Advisory Cert 15) @ Virtual Theater May 11, 2021, 6:00 pm GMT Purchase Tickets


  • Rossella Ariella Reggio
  • Rossella's daughter Mariagrazia Plos
  • Rossella's Son Dario Penne
  • Rossella's Son Fulvio Falzarano
  • Rossella's Grandson Marco Morganti