Three Years, 1 Night



Three Years, 1 Night

The plot

"Three Years, 1 Night” is a juxtaposition of two dimensions of the same story. The first takes place during one night and talks about Krzysztof's journey to the seaside. Ewa, his deceased love partner, accompanies him in his imagination. Upon reaching the destination, Krzysztof’s duty according to Ewa’s will is to scatter her ashes, which is synonymous with saying goodbye one last time, a final accepting of her passing and bringing a chapter in life to a close. The second dimension is three years of memories - from a timidly awakening feeling, through a mature love relationship, up to Ewa’s diagnosis, cancer. The young man has to deal with anxiety, anger, depression, sadness and regrets. To his aid come memories of a beautiful love and his own life wisdom.

Poland (2019)


Screening Date Tickets
Polish Shorts One (Advisory Cert 15) @ Virtual Theater May 12, 2021, 1:00 pm GMT Purchase Tickets


  • Director Writer Bartosz Jakub Jasinski
  • Producer Maciej Slesicki