Wolf of CF Week



Wolf of CF Week

The plot

The Wolf of CF Week was an idea that came to me as I watched the UK TV premiere of the original Scorsese film in early 2020. When an actor addresses the audience directly through the lens within a film it’s called ‘breaking the fourth wall’ and it’s a deliberate choice by the filmmaking team. A particularly memorable example is the film ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’, not only is the movie a classic, but one of the main reasons for its popularity is exactly that - Ferris (Matthew Broderick) talking directly to the audience through the lens, frequently and at length.

Watching Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) look me in the eye whilst listing his cocktail of “medications” immediately made me smile whilst thinking of my own CF regime. At that moment, I rewound the TV to listen again whilst rewriting the monologue with a CF twist in my iPhone notes app.

Within 10 minutes the script for The Wolf of CF Week was written, together with a rough shot list ready to start shooting clips the following week with my Sony A7sii camera. I often find that when an idea appears in mind, there is a very short space of time to take action before you either forget, convince yourself that it’s no good, or come up with some other excuse that ultimately stifles creativity, and this basic process of ‘act immediately’ seems to serve me far better than any amount of procrastination ever could.

Upfront, I think I assumed that a few close friends and family would enjoy the video, perhaps share a few comments and offer a thumbs up, before it quickly disappeared into the Facebook feed abyss. But to my surprise it took on a life of its own and amassed over 20k views on my social channels in a matter of hours, reaching as far as Canada and New Zealand as I received comments from CFers from all around the world. That video single-handedly introduced me to hundreds of mums, dads, brothers and sisters, aunties, uncles and individuals each with an emotional attachment to CF, many of whom I now consider friends. I’m immensely proud of it and it holds a very special place in my heart, lungs… and portfolio.   Marc Cotterill


Screening Date Tickets
Multi-Screening: Wolf of CF Week @ Virtual Theater June 19, 2021, 6:00 pm EST Purchase Tickets
Multi-Screenings. @ Virtual Theater June 18, 2021, 12:00 am EST Purchase Tickets