2021 International KidsNFilm Festival

2021 International KidsNFilm Festival - Screening 1

Full Synopsis

2021 Screening 1

Bread Fight, Cory Champion, Director - ANI/STOMO (13-17). Nothing unites two enemies like a common enemy. Runtime 3:40

The Jungle Tale, Henry Zhinin, Director - ANI/STOMO (Under 12). A group of kids are raised in the heart of the jungle called Paranata, by wild animals that adopt and look after them. Runtime 2:07

HairFoo Memorphis, Luca Pasvolsky, Director - Narr (Under 12). Quentin's mum thinks she's a witch from Harry Potter. Runtime 3:25

Ruth & Nick, Carter Rostron, Director ANI/STOMO (13-17). The bittersweet story of Nick, a piece of candy who falls in love with a girl who seems out of reach. Runtime 6:21

The Covid Chronicles, Emily Luders, Director - Narr (13-7). In a world where COVID-19 does not exist, two siblings, Parker and Greyson, vividly imagine multiple "pandemic-based" scenarios while being inspired by a bedtime story. Runtime 5:27

Generation Burnout, Lena Faeskorn, Director - Docu (13-17). A documentary on Covid. Runtime 5:44

Daisy Does, Dottie Skryzpek, Director - NARR (Under 12). Lights Camera Action is a screen acting school in Hampshire UK. During this 3rd lockdown, we got all of our younger students to make a short film. Over Zoom they have learned how to make one as I thought they were really good I would enter them in. Dottie is 10 years old and her film is about becoming a YouTuber.

Dog Star, Ronn Kilby, Director - NARR/PRO. A girl's new robot dog is more than he seems. Runtime 5:36

It Fits, Childen of the FABIDo daycare center "Dürener Straße, "Directors - NARR (Under 12) - In the triangle country it is very beautiful. Blue sea, sunny and good air. But there is too little work. So the triangle family decides to emigrate to the square country. Daddy quickly finds work. Runtime 5:37

The Fox & Turtle, Penelope Campbell, Director - ANI/STOMO (Under 12). In this cute and touching stop motion film, a young fox gets help from a turtle. The film was created by Penelope, a nine-year-old girl who wrote the script, created the clay models, directed the film, and voiced the main character. Runtime 6:05

The Other Side of the Line, Mia Thomas, Will Gesci, Directors - Narr (13-17). (2020 Festival Winner) An allegory about racism and prejudice told through the lens of a children's fairy tale. Runtime 9:00

Cycle, Arman Taheri, Director, Narr (13-17). A woman is terrorized by her thoughts. Can she learn to stand up to him? Runtime 3:09

Bearly Awake, Sydney Geiger, Director - ANI/STOMO (13-17). What does a Teddy Bear do when she can't sleep? Runtime 2:20

Dearth, Kumar Kuldip Medhi, Director- Narr/PRO. This story is about a widow, who faces a great financial crisis due to a sudden lockdown during a pandemic, and how she struggles to solve her financial needs. Runtime 9:58

On/Off, Nicolas P. Villarreal, Director - ANI/STOMO/PRO. Endless distractions threaten to destroy creativity. Runtime 7:00

Second Nature, Tony Alfaro, Director - Narr/PRO. During the pandemic, a father and son are forced to relocate their annual camping trip to their backyard. Runtime 8:23

A Poor Blue-Footed Booby, Haruna Lida, Tomoko Taiga - ANI/STOMO/PRO. Blue-footed boobies of the Galapagos Islands have a rule that only males with blue feet can be popular. Runtime 3:45

The Experience For You

2021 Screening 1

Bread Fight, Cory Champion, Director - ANI/STOMO (13-17). Nothing unites two enemies like a common enemy. Runtime 3:40

The Jungle Tale, Henry Zhinin, Director - ANI/STOMO (Under 12). A group of kids are raised in the heart of the jungle called Paranata, by wild animals that adopt and look after them. Runtime 2:07

HairFoo Memorphis, Luca Pasvolsky, Director -  Narr (Under 12). Quentin's mum thinks she's a witch from Harry Potter. Runtime 3:25

Ruth & Nick, Carter Rostron, Director ANI/STOMO (13-17). The bittersweet story of Nick, a piece of candy who falls in love with a girl who seems out of reach. RUNTIME 6:21

The Covid Chronicles, Emily Luders, Director - Narr (13-7). In a world where COVID-19 does not exist, two siblings, Parker and Greyson, vividly imagine multiple "pandemic-based" scenarios while being inspired by a bedtime story. Runtime 5:27

Generation Burnout, Lena Faeskorn, Director - Docu (13-17). A documentary on Covid. Runtime 5:44

Daisy Does, Dottie Skryzpek, Director - NARR (Under 12). Lights Camera Action is a screen acting school in Hampshire UK. During this 3rd lockdown, we got all of our younger students to make a short film. Over Zoom they have learned how to make one as I thought they were really good I would enter them in. Dottie is 10 years old and her film is about becoming a YouTuber.

Dog Star, Ronn Kilby, Director - NARR/PRO. A girl's new robot dog is more than he seems. Runtime 5:36

It Fits, Childen of the FABIDo daycare center "Dürener Straße, "Directors - NARR (Under 12.  In the triangle country, it is very beautiful. Blue sea, sunny and good air. But there is too little work. So the triangle family decides to emigrate to the square country. Daddy quickly finds work. Runtime 5:37

The Fox & Turtle, Penelope Campbell, Director - ANI/STOMO (Under 12) In this cute and touching stop motion film, a young fox gets help from a turtle. The film was created by Penelope, a nine-year-old girl who wrote the script, created the clay models, directed the film, and voiced the main character. Runtime 6:05

The Other Side of the Line,  Mia Thomas, Will Gesci, Directors - NARR (13-17) 2020 Winning Film - An allegory about racism and prejudice told through the lens of a children's fairy tale. Runtime 9:00

Cycle, Arman Taheri, Director, Narr (13-17). A woman is terrorized by her thoughts. Can she learn to stand up to him? Runtime 3:09

Bearly Awake, Sydney Geiger, Director - ANI/STOMO (13-17). What does a Teddy Bear do when she can't sleep? Runtime 2:20

Dearth, Kumar Kuldip Medhi, Director- Narr/PRO. This story is about a widow, who faces a great financial crisis due to a sudden lockdown during a pandemic, and how she struggles to solve her financial needs. Runtime 9:58

On/Off, Nicolas P. Villarreal, Director - ANI/STOMO/PRO. Endless distractions threaten to destroy creativity. Runtime 7:00

Second Nature, Tony Alfaro, Director  Narr/PRO. During the pandemic, a father and son are forced to relocate their annual camping trip to their backyard. Runtime 8:23

A Poor Blue-Footed Booby, Haruna Lida, Tomoko Taiga - ANI/STOMO/PRO. Blue-footed boobies of the Galapagos Islands have a rule that only males with blue feet can be popular. Runtime 3:45

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Online Screening

You will recieve the link to watch online after you RSVP.

Viewing Time

  • November 13, 2021, 11:00 am PST

  • Event is over, tickets no longer available.

Video-On-Demand Availability

VOD Start: November 13, 2021, 4:00 pm

VOD End: November 15, 2021, 12:00 am

VOD Playback will be limited between those dates.

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Not ready to get your tickets yet? Set a reminder to get your tickets on the day of the of screening.

Event is over, tickets no longer available.