Screening Organizer

Film Fest LA / LA LIVE Film festival

Film Fest LA / LA LIVE Film festival

Film Festival, Screenplay / Writing Contest Our mission is to provide a festival where filmmakers are treated with respect and given opportunities that empower the filmmaker’s career, We strive to do things differently than other festivals and part of how we do this is the way we market the selected films. We believe that helping others is the only way to operate and want filmmakers that also have this mindset, so we cultivate a working community in Hollywood that will continue to extend past the festival. Awards & Prizes The most important thing to an indie film is exposure, so the film is distributed worldwide and profits are made. At LA Live Film Fest we award the winners just that. Marketing! Our promotions company, Big House LA, will market the films on over 37 Facebook filmmaker forums along with other social media sites, such as those listed below. Website: